Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Left Out

Usually l reserve my rants about that sinister minority, Lefties, for August 13. Why? I'm tired of explaining everything...look it up yourself.

But, today I was sent a link by a "friend" about interesting lefthand facts. Knowing me as most of you do, I wasn't expecting any revelations. But, these facts were much more sinister than the usual fodder.

My first use of sinister, now considered archaic by Merriam/Webster, means "towards the left." The second is the more common usage - something harmful or evil. Both from the Latin for left. The Latin for right is dexter from which comes dexterous - manually or mentally adroit.

Oh sure, there's no bias against we southpaws, or as the nuns called us, "children of the devil." The nuns also told me that lefthanders would never find a decent job. Okay, they were right about that. Ending up like Fredo Corleone, I learned the casino business.

According to most studies, lefties are more likely to suffer psychoses, especially schizophrenia. Our life span is nine years shorter than the right-handed. We are more prone to alcoholism, drug abuse and dyslexia. Two out of three ain't dab!

I believe the impetus for all of these traits is surviving in a right-handed world. At best it leads us to drink; at worst it makes us crazy. For just one day, I would like the entire world magically switched to leftcentric. You'd quickly realize the day-to-day things that confound we of the other hand.

Research also shows that we experience more fear than the other side. Of course we do! The mere thought of scissors, ladles, three-ring binders, felt tip pens,  or measuring cups fills me with foreboding.

Measuring cups you ask? What could be the problem with them? Pick up one with your left hand. What do you see? The metric measurements!!! How many milliliters in a half-a-cup?  I can feel the bile rising as I type. The metric system, really? It's like watching soccer, the metric system of sports, and a waste of my finite time on this plane of existence.

One interesting theory is that lefties had a vanishing twin in the womb. Discovered in the 80s, when ultrasound treatment became commonplace for pregnant women, a vanishing twin is a multi-gestation pregnancy in which one twin dies in utero and then is partially or completely reabsorbed by the other. Now that is weird.

How this results in the survivor being left-handed is not explained. But this would give justification to that evil twin who occasionally emerges and orders shots. You know of whom I ever BB

"After all, crime is only a left-handed form of human endeavor." - John Huston

After all, crime is only a left-handed form of human endeavor.
After all, crime is only a left-handed form of human endeavor.
After all, crime is only a left-handed form of human endeavor.