Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Soothing the Savage Beast

This post's title comes from one of the most common misquotes: "Music has charm that soothes the savage beast" Most often attributed to Shakespeare, the words actually come from William Congreve's 18th century play, "The Mourning Bride."

We all have savage beasts inside of us. Suppress it as we may, our psyches possess an atavistic, untamed ferocity. If music is the key to tame said beasts, then over the next two weeks Fells Point has the cure you need.

Yes, this is unabashed self-promotion!
Saturday, January 12, Without a Net performs at Leadbetters Tavern from 2pm to 4:30pm.  I will sing, play guitar and tantalize you with tall tales and trivial tidbits,  Big Ed will offer his tasteful guitar accompaniment and Kristin will provide percussion, vocals and her colorful fashion sense.

I want to take time to thank them both. Ed delivers an excellent guitar lead. My "stream of consciousness" set list and musical ADHD can make playing with me a difficult task. Ed's acumen provides me a simpatico support that amazes each time. As for Kristin, I would not be doing this if not for her - enough said. My deepest gratitude to you both.

I hope you can make it down  Saturday afternoon. Our sets at Leadbetters have a relaxed, living-room ambience that makes for a truly pleasurable experience.

To quote those cheesy TV commercials, BUT THAT'S NOT ALL!

The following Saturday, January 19 from 4pm until close, it's the Jam to Memphis at the Cat's Eye Pub. Nothin' But Trouble will perform along with several mystery guests. There will be a cover charge to help pay for the band's trip to Memphis to compete in the International Blues Challenge. Hot, new Nothin' But Trouble t-shirts will be for sale. Be one of the first kids on your block to have one!

The Jam to Memphis is one of the hottest shows to hit Fells Point. Come support the band and enjoy this "One Time Only" event.

So mark your calendars and beat your feet to Fells Point over the next two weekends. Your savage beast won't know what hit him/her. As ever - BB

"Music and rhythm find their way into the secret places of the soul."  Plato - I didn't realize Mickey Mouse's dog was so deep.

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