Monday, January 19, 2015

Extra, Extra!

Before radio opened the door to instantaneous information, newspapers would produce an Extra. This special edition informed the masses about events that happened after the paper had been published, but were too important to wait until the next issue.

This extra to my blog concerns a very special event that occurred at Leadbetters Tavern, this past Saturday, January 17. Local musician and songwriter, Joe Scala, held the release party for his CD, Skin & Bones. The exceptional thing Joe did was invite several local musicians to open the show with their versions of his songs.

Those lucky enough to come out experienced a magical evening! I was honored to be included.

Leadbetters was packed. I would guess that about one-third of the audience were fellow players attending to give their support. One who just moved from Baltimore to Manhattan looked around, then turned to me and said, "This is what I miss. This place is like a musicians' clubhouse."

After such a fantastic Saturday, I felt impelled to write a brief piece thanking Joe for his generosity and complimenting him on this unique and clever idea for a CD Release Party.

Hopefully, the positive vibes generated on Saturday will keep that musician's clubhouse feeling going. As ever - BB

In place of the usual quote, I'm ending this blog with a link to Joe's website. You can purchase the CD there, and I strongly recommend it.

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