Friday, January 9, 2015

Nothing Lasts!

The original bus in the swamp at Kesey's Oregon farm
The intrepid band of Merry Pranksters left Ken Kesey's ranch at La Honda, CA on their continental trip to find a kool place on my 10th birthday, June 17, 1964.  This psychic, seismic wave triggered the tsunami which sweep across the world in the mid-to-late 60s. As Hunter Thompson said in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: "We had all the momentum; we were riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave. . . ."

 The Pranksters realized that life is ephemeral, and the title of this musing is their motto,"Nothing Lasts!" That phrase has echoed in my head since I learned that my favorite, neighborhood dive bar, Leadbetters, had been sold. Rumors and gossip as to what will happen are rampant. Like a supernormal surfer, I will ride out this uncertain undulation accepting whatever may occur.

However, the memories and friends I have gleaned from the denizens of this den of drunkenness will never wane. I had not performed in public or almost 35 years. Leadbetters gave me the opportunity to once again tootle the masses with my ol' guitar. That in itself is incredible. More impactful is the embrace I have felt from the community of musicians this tavern attracted.

Being a musical autodidact, true players have always intimidated me. But,
 my fellow musicians at Leadbetters not only accepted and encouraged me, but corroborated in my endeavors. When Kristin added her harmonic vocals, the support was electrifying. Of course the support came with the offbeat, irreverent humor which hallmarks Leadbetters.  Once her voice was heard, others would invite her up to sing with them. Unrestrained jokes and jibes of stealing the best part of my act became de rigueur.

Eschewing auguries, what the future holds for this beloved, gritty, diamond-in-the-rough, musical oasis is uncertain. But with a certainty that seems archaic in the modern world, I affirm that while physically Leadbetters may not last, its essence is eternal. As ever - BB
"If you pour some music on whatever's wrong, it'll sure help out." - Levon Helm


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  3. Once again, GREAT. ! ps: When MICHELANGELO was asked " How can you sculpt such a Beautiful thing such as 'David' ?" He replied, " IT was already there. I just removed the excesses ! ".
